Locust is a force that destroys everything in its path. Locust insect. Locust lifestyle and habitat

Pests 12.06.2019

Locusts belong to the phylum Arthropoda, the class Insects, the Orthoptera order, the Locust family (there are approximately 12,000 species). Locusts usually live in grasslands, on roadsides and on hillsides. It is found almost everywhere except in the coldest regions.
The body length of the locust ranges from 1 cm (meadow locust) to 5 cm (migratory locust). The largest individuals can reach 20 cm in length. Locusts live from 8 months to 2 years.
In tropical areas, locusts breed all year round. In temperate zones, mating takes place during the summer. At the end of summer, the female lays from 10 to 90 eggs in warm, damp soil. She does this with the help of a special tube (ovipositor), which is a continuation of the female's abdomen. The eggs hatch the following spring. From them, larvae appear, which strongly resemble an adult, only they do not have wings. Over time, the larva develops and turns into an adult insect. Such larvae form flocks - swarms - and move in one direction. When the larvae turn into adults and they develop wings. After 4-6 molts, each larva turns into a small locust, which becomes an adult in the same year or the next year. Locust development is incomplete because it lacks the pupal stage.

Locust is a type of grasshopper, but larger. Outwardly, locusts differ from grasshoppers and crickets in the length of their antennae: they are shorter in them. Locusts live on the soil and are active during the day. Locusts can jump distances up to 20 times their own body length.
It is customary to divide locusts into gregarious, harmful locusts and harmless grasshoppers. The migratory locust (Locusta migratoria) also belongs to the locust family. She lives in Africa, often flies in huge clouds on the fields and eats them clean in just a few minutes. Locusts gather in huge swarms that terrify all farmers, as these swarms destroy all the plants they meet on their way.
Locusts have a monstrous appetite, and they devour all the vegetation that comes across on the way, including agricultural plants. As a result, famine may occur in a region that has been invaded by locusts.
Countries in Africa, America, Australia and southern Asia are subject to such invasions from time to time. The damage from such invasions is enormous, it is calculated both in money and in human lives, because where all the crops have been destroyed by locusts, many people die of starvation. Scientists have calculated that every day each locust eats an amount of vegetation equal to its own weight! In 1-2 hours they can destroy hundreds and thousands of hectares of crops.
In 1955, in Morocco (North Africa), a flock was seen 250 km long and 20 km wide. In earlier centuries, swarms of locusts reached Europe as well. There are flocks numbering up to 40 billion individuals. They form "flying clouds" or "clouds", the area of ​​which can reach 1000 km2. When the wings of the locust rub against each other, a characteristic squeaky sound is heard. The noise made in flight by a flock of millions of insects can be mistaken for thunder.
So, in 1954, small swarms of Asian locusts from Northwest Africa reached the British Isles, flying more than 2,400 km over the open sea. A swarm of adult locusts flies at a speed of 10-15 km/h and is able to cover up to 80-120 km per day. There are cases when locusts even traveled overseas, flying distances of 5600 km.
The migratory locust is unique in that it combines two lifestyles - solitary and gregarious. If the population is small, the locust settles over large areas and lives, almost without encountering their jumping relatives, one by one.
But under favorable conditions and an abundance of food, it begins to multiply very quickly. Millions of larvae gather in a real army and move together. If the field population is so large that the young insects constantly cross, the locust becomes a swarm. And one fine day - for locusts - almost the entire flock is removed from the place and sets off to conquer new lands. The purpose of this journey is not to spread the locusts, but to “unload” the old habitat, which can no longer feed such a horde. Usually, swarms of locusts appear after heavy rains, when all the greenery is growing and provides them with abundant food.
In Russia, she lives in the lower reaches of the rivers - the Volga, Ural, Don, Terek, Amu Darya and Syr Darya, as well as along the banks of large lakes, choosing everywhere swampy areas with reed beds
The color of the migratory locust is grayish or olive-brown, with small spots; pronotum with sharp median carina; femurs of hind legs bluish-black from inside in main part; tibiae of hind legs yellowish or red.
Like grasshoppers and crickets, locusts are recognized musicians in the insect world. The sound apparatus of acridoids is located on the femurs of the hind legs and elytra. Usually, a long row of tubercles and capitate knobs stretches along the inner surface of the thigh, and one of the veins of the elytron is thicker than the others. By rapidly moving the hip, the insect passes this tubercle along the vein, as a result of which jerky chirring sounds are heard.
For example, locust grasshoppers, of which there are a great many in our fields. They are also not averse to singing, but their musical instrument is much simpler than that of grasshoppers: a row of bristles on the wings, bristles on the shins of the legs - here you have a violin and a bow. By rubbing its legs against its wings, the filly makes a soft, creaky sound, so familiar to everyone! The tone of the song changes from sonorous at noon to quiet and hoarse at dawn and dusk.
Fillies are so ubiquitous that you can meet them even in big cities. Sometimes they sit right on the narrow dusty lawn separating the lanes of the avenue, and start trilling among the haze of hot asphalt and car exhausts.
There is a species of locust that resembles a ate leaf in shape and color. They have vein-like lines on their wings. Noticing the danger, the insect hides in the foliage that has flown around.
In some countries, people have learned how to cook locusts: they fry them in oil and eat them, and even consider them a delicacy. The Gospels say that John the Baptist, having settled in the desert, ate only wild honey and locusts - representatives of locusts with an exorbitantly elongated head. Such nutrition was, although not varied, but quite complete: insects are a balanced source of animal protein necessary for humans. Fried locust is a favorite, traditional delicacy of nomads living in the desert.
According to the testimony of the Old Testament, the locust was one of the ten Egyptian plagues - the east wind brought hordes of locusts to Egypt, which covered the entire earth with a continuous layer. They devoured everything, even trees, so that not a shred of greenery remained in the whole country.
Locusts can become prey for other insects, birds and small predators. The enemy of the locust is also a man.

migratory locust

Value Body length up to 6 cm
signs The color is grayish or olive-brown, with small spots; pronotum with sharp median carina; femurs of hind legs bluish-black from inside in main part; hind legs yellowish or red
Nutrition Herbaceous vegetation, cereals
reproduction The female lays eggs released from the abdomen in a special foamy liquid in the surface layer of the soil; foamy secretions, solidifying, cement the particles of the earth, creating the so-called capsule; the new generation hatches in the spring, after the snow has melted and the soil has warmed up sufficiently
habitats South Africa, Australia and New Zealand; on the territory of Russia - Ciscaucasia, southern regions of Western Siberia

Today we have, one might say, a summer theme and its most beautiful chirring representatives of insects - grasshopper, cricket, locust pictures, photos, videos. Let's start with the well-known grasshopper. Although, I doubt that all of you know so well about him, most likely, reading the following lines, you will treat these beautiful serenades a little differently. But let's dispel, in order, the prevailing myths and legends around this representative of the Orthoptera order, the long-whiskered suborder.

The grasshopper lives on almost the entire territory of Russia, with the exception of deserts, highlands and regions of the far north. The most common species are green grasshopper, gray grasshopper, steppe grasshopper, tailed grasshopper and song grasshopper. So, we begin to slowly destroy the ideas - the grasshopper is a nocturnal insect, most often during the day it hides in secluded places, and with the onset of twilight it goes on a night hunt. The grasshopper is a predator, its hunting style is very similar to the praying mantis, the grasshopper also lies in wait for its prey and with its strong front paws grabs a gaping insect.

After that, with its powerful jaws, the grasshopper tears the victim and eats it. (by the way, a grasshopper can easily bite through human skin and believe me, the feeling of this is not the most pleasant)))) The grasshopper eats almost any insect that is inferior in size to it, and sometimes even larger representatives than itself. Often the grasshopper also catches its smaller counterparts; in choosing an object for a meal, it does not disdain anyone. If there is not enough animal food, the grasshopper can gradually switch to vegetation, eating shrub buds, various cereals, but this is more an exception than a rule.

The grasshopper prefers to ambush, sitting on the branches or leaves of a shrub, low-growing branches of trees, except that in meadows and in the steppe zone it lives in the grass. So, friends, when you are walking through a forest clearing and insects are quickly jumping in different directions from you, it is unlikely that this is a grasshopper, most likely these are representatives of locusts or fillies, our main character at this time, somewhere in the shelter peacefully dozing. The grasshopper is generally reluctant to jump, only in case of emergency, he usually prefers to crawl, and his hunting style is expectant, but not active at all.

Grasshopper male and female outwardly differ from each other, the female has an ovipositor at the end of the abdomen, a kind of saber, and males do not have this device. The grasshopper also has very long antennae, which, like antennas, help it pick up the slightest movement at night. The grasshopper has an incredibly beautiful and varied song, the sounds are made due to the vibration of the elytra, and each species of grasshopper has its own chirping melody, different from others.

At the end of the selection, we suggest that you look at the comparison table, which shows the differences between the grasshopper and the locust, and you can easily distinguish between them.


funny grasshopper

Grasshopper photo

cool grasshopper

Amazing Grasshopper


Jumping Grasshopper

cool grasshopper

Grasshopper photo


green grasshopper

The cricket is the closest relative of the grasshopper, among crickets there are two main species, real crickets that live in almost all climatic zones, with the exception of cold areas. Crickets live in burrows that they dig themselves, or they use ready-made natural shelters, crevices, shelters under stones or fallen trees for housing. The cricket is a territorial insect, each representative has its own area, which the cricket jealously guards.

The song of the cricket is intended for two purposes, firstly, to warn its fellows that the territory is occupied and guarded, and the second purpose of the trill of the cricket is to attract females to its area. Moreover, these songs are strikingly different from each other, the trill for calling females is produced at higher frequencies, and even for the human ear it is more pleasant and melodic. On the territory of a male cricket, there may be several females, a kind of harem, but often a neighboring cricket lures them with its more soulful song. By the way, only males sing, females do not have such talents. Outwardly, they are easy to distinguish; the female cricket has an elongated ovipositor at the end of the abdomen, similar to a saber, like a grasshopper.

To create a beautiful song, the cricket raises its stiff flaps and rubs them against each other with great frequency, and from this action a magical song is obtained. The cricket feeds mainly on plant foods, but it also needs animal proteins, for this reason it sometimes catches small insects, and there are also frequent cases of cannibalism when the cricket eats its larvae or smaller representatives of the genus. By nature, the cricket is pugnacious, there are constant battles for territory between males, and in Asia they even arrange cricket fights. One female and two adult male crickets are put into the arena, and fierce battles take place between the males for the female.

An interesting feature in fights is that the cricket tries to bite off the antennae of its rival, and scientists have noticed that a cricket with a bitten off antennae loses its “authority” and becomes an outcast, a kind of military hierarchy. The field cricket is oily black in color, its shiny chitinous elytra are, as it were, covered with black varnish. And now let's get acquainted with the second common representative of this species, the brownie cricket. Outwardly, the house cricket differs from its field counterpart in its color, it is brown. Judging by the name, it becomes clear exactly where he lives.

In the summer, the house cricket lives in the fields, meadows, and forests, and comes to winter in a person's home. The house cricket is thermophilic and for this reason its favorite habitat in the hut has always been associated with the stove, where else can it be warmer? The cricket is a nocturnal insect, during the day it hides in its shelters, and at night it goes out to feed, bypasses its territory and, of course, performs magical songs to invite females and warn rival males. Since ancient times, it was customary in Russian huts to respect the cricket, because, as practice has shown, this is a useful insect. The male cricket lives alone, and since there was usually only one stove in the house, the cricket lived alone in the hut, not letting rivals on the threshold, and there were only a few females in the neighborhood.

During the day, the cricket hides, and at night it feeds on crumbs from the table or floor, leftover food, the cricket usually takes water from wet rags or drops of water, the cricket does not climb into plates and other utensils, because it does not know how to swim and can simply drown there. In addition, the cricket also needs a certain amount of animal food, and it perfectly regulates the number of cockroaches in the hut, periodically eating their younger generation.

Agree, it was just wonderful to have such a roommate in your hut. Unless not everyone likes the nightly trills of a cricket, although many get used to this nightly concert. By the way, the older the cricket, the more pleasant and melodic trills it produces, so to speak, its musical professionalism only grows with time.

amazing cricket

cool cricket


Photo cricket

cricket photo

cricket clip art


strange cricket

The locust looks very similar to the grasshopper, and if you do not know some striking differences, it is quite difficult to distinguish them from each other. Locusts are divided into two types, solitary (filly) and gregarious. Locusts feed on plant foods, eating young grass, various cereals, which often causes great damage to agriculture. Single locusts are usually painted in masking protective colors, green, gray, brown. It has shorter wings and smaller sizes, the average length of a single locust is about 2-3 centimeters.

The locust is an excellent jumper, its hind legs are very powerful and allow it to perform long jumps, many times the length of its body. The front legs of the locust, unlike the grasshopper, are rather weak and serve only for support when moving. A single locust (filly) lives among the grass, where it feeds and sings its sonorous trills. Sounds are produced by rubbing the tubercles on the hind legs against the vein on the wing. By the way, the song of the locust is not as sonorous and beautiful as that of the grasshopper. Locusts are excellent food for many birds, lizards and other insectivorous animals.

Where do the huge hordes of locusts come from, which destroy all vegetation in their path and are a real disaster for people? A solitary locust (filly) in the presence of a sufficient amount of food leads a calm lifestyle and normal reproduction. But when a dry or lean year comes, there are not enough plants, the locust begins to actively multiply and lay the so-called "marching" clutches, from which larvae appear in large numbers in the near future. This locust develops according to somewhat different rules, marching offspring have more impressive dimensions up to 6 cm, long wings designed for flight and, most often, a brighter color.

Marching or migratory, gregarious locusts gather in huge hordes, and begin their movement in search of food, while eating all the vegetation around. The number of such a flock can exceed billions of individuals, which is the largest collection of animals of one species in the world. At the same time, the gregarious locust is very voracious and in a day it eats food as much as it weighs itself. Migratory locusts are excellent fliers and can cover a distance of several hundred kilometers. At the moment, people have not yet come up with effective methods to deal with this disaster, and from time to time, swarms of locusts that have formed devastate some areas of Africa, Asia, and America. In the southern regions of Russia, such centers of the spread of locusts may also arise, which has already happened more than once in history.

terrible locust


cool locust

Locust photo

Locust cards

Locust photo

Locust invasion

amazing locust


funny locust

locust common locust

So, friends, let me tell you how easy it is to learn to distinguish between a grasshopper and a locust. After all, they can be exactly the same in color and size. In the pictures on the left there will be a representative of a grasshopper, and on the right a locust.

Grasshoppers have long whiskers, locusts have short ones. (the main visible difference) The female grasshopper has a saber at the end of the abdomen, the locust does not.

Grasshoppers have small eyes, locusts have large ones. In a grasshopper, the muzzle is pointed at the bottom with predatory jaws, in a locust it is more round and blunt. (By the way, the grasshopper can bite hard, until it bleeds, while it has a movable head and it can twist it and bite painfully, and also let burning saliva into the wound. Be careful with it)

In a grasshopper, the body is short, designed for greater mobility when catching insects, in a locust, the body is elongated, it serves only to digest plant foods and better aerodynamics during flight.

I hope now you can easily determine who is in front of you is a locust or a grasshopper.


How the grasshopper chirps. Video

Locust invasion. Video

How locusts chirp. Video

Like a chirping cricket. Video

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It's some kind of passion! In general, I don’t like any insects - cockroaches, but here it is!

Giant pipit Tropidacris collaris. One of the largest species of orthopteran insects . Homeland - Trinidad. The natural distribution area extends throughout the northern part of South America, especially in the tropical regions of French Guiana and Suriname. Locusts live on the ground or among low bushes.

This cell phone is too small for me! - said the locust and turned away ... / Giant pipit Tropidacris collaris, locust family, homeland - Trinidad (Central America) / Exhibition of live insects at the Biological Faculty of Moscow State University

Tropidakris stay alone near fruit trees, the leaves of which they feed on. Although they jump well, they prefer to sit, hiding, because birds, animals and even people are not averse to feasting on such large insects.

Females of the South American locust reach a length of up to 9 cm, a wing length of 10 cm. The body weight of females is up to 30 g. Males are slightly smaller, about 70 cm in length, a wing length of 9 cm. This relatively inactive insect does not form large flocks, but can harm tropical fruit trees whose leaves it prefers to eat. However, there are also many among animals, birds and even people who want to eat a tasty insect, so the giant locust tries to move less, relying on its protective greenish-brown color. And its larvae, on the contrary, have a bright, warning color, consisting of alternating yellow, red and black stripes.

Locusts reach sexual maturity in about 5 weeks. For fertilization, the male jumps on the female, saddles from above, firmly holding it with his front paws, bends the abdomen under her body and attaches to it with the genitals. It then deposits a spermatophore (a bag containing spermatozoa) at the base of the female's ovipositor. Mating continues for several hours.

For laying eggs, the female, using the ovipositor, makes holes in the soil, while the abdomen, like a telescope, can extend three times. The channel in the soil is filled with a foamy secret, in which the female lays 50-100 oval-shaped eggs. After hardening, the foam forms a cocoon, which provides protection for the eggs - both from enemies and from drying out. The larvae emerging from the eggs themselves are freed from the cocoon and crawl out to the surface. The size of the larvae is about 6 mm, the color is white, the body is soft. After the cuticle hardens, the growth phase begins. The characteristic color appears after a few hours.

To turn into an adult insect (imago), the locust larva undergoes 5 molts. The larvae resemble adults in miniature, but they do not have true wings, but only their rudiments, which gradually develop as they pass through the molts. The life span of a locust is about 6 months.

The temperature of the content is 25-28 ° C, lighting is required. Air humidity 70-80%. Forage - leaves of blackberry, raspberry, oak, beech, rhododendron.

These are very annoying creatures! When flying, they make a buzzing sound and when they land on your clothes, they cling to it so that they cannot be torn off. It is very unpleasant to be in their swarm. Locust swarms usually number in the billions, eating millions of tons of crops along the way.

Let's remember some more giant insects, well, for example: , but after that, remember what The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy is made -

Locust and grasshopper may have some external similarities, but upon closer examination it turns out that they are completely different. Let's look at the difference between a locust and a grasshopper.

1. The locust belongs to the locust family, suborder of the short-whiskers, and the grasshopper belongs to the family of grasshoppers, the suborder of the long-whiskers.

The name of the suborders to which they belong speaks for itself: the whiskers of grasshoppers are much longer (the length of the whiskers can be more than half the body), their function is orientation in space, as well as the organ of touch.

Locust whiskers do not play any special role, therefore they have a purely decorative value.

2. The locust is a herbivore and the grasshopper is a predator.

The locust feeds only on plant foods, but almost without any restrictions. Therefore, locusts can be attributed to insects that can best adapt to environmental changes.

The grasshopper is a carnivore that mainly feeds on other small insects, but may eat some fruits or flowers.

3. Locust is a pest, and the activity of grasshoppers is beneficial.

A grasshopper, living in a country house or in a garden, is beneficial in that it destroys many harmful insects.

Locusts, on the contrary, under favorable conditions for their reproduction, are capable of destroying all vegetation and crops over vast areas.

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4. Locusts are active during daylight hours, grasshoppers prefer the night.

For a grasshopper, night is the hour of hunting and the time when you can chirp to your heart's content. They make their characteristic sounds with the help of their hind legs. They most often spend the night on the branches of sprawling trees, shrubs or in the grass. Like other insects, light beckons them in the dark. During the day, they prefer to hide in secluded places where they can gather in groups.

The active life of locusts begins in the afternoon. She also chirps, but the sound is more muffled. It lives on the ground or in the grass, most often in flocks. The rays of light are practically uninteresting to her.

5. External differences: the locust has shorter whiskers and legs than the grasshopper.

The head of the locust is very inactive, the muzzle is blunt, the jaws are powerful. By outward signs does not radiate any aggression. An oblong, long abdomen, as if designed to digest plant foods in large quantities.

The forelimbs are very weak, intended only for support when moving. The hind limbs are not long, like those of a grasshopper, but they help to make a jump over a fairly long distance.

The grasshopper has a movable head, narrow and very sharp jaws, a small muzzle, so to speak, with a predatory expression. The abdomen is small in size, but massive, this feature makes it more compact when hunting. The hind limbs are slightly longer, thanks to them, the insect moves, repels at the right moment and attacks the prey. The front paws only serve to help when moving through the trees.

6. Features in laying eggs.

Grasshopper females lay their eggs using a special ovipositor, which is located behind and looks like a sword. They hide their eggs inside the stems of plants, under the bark of a tree or other secluded places.

Locusts lay their eggs directly in the soil.

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An interesting short video - how to still distinguish a locust from a grasshopper

Locust - the most famous and merciless enemy Agriculture from ancient times to the present day.

The dispersion of taste preferences, adherence to herding, gluttony determine the ability of an insect to quickly wipe large areas of vegetation from the face of the earth.

The topic of today's article is the locust insect: description, life features and harm.

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What does an insect look like?

Locust, locust detachment - a fairly large pest length from 3cm, outwardly resembling a grasshopper.

Its elongated body is covered from the sides with hard elytra, often painted to match the area in which the insect lives. The color of individuals can be brown, yellowish or green..

The female has an ovipositor in the form of a pointed spike at the end of the body.

Interesting! The color of the locust is masking. It is different even in closely related insects and depends not only on the type of pest, but also on the palette of the environment, the nature of nutrition, and humidity.

In the Asian locust, for example, even the gregarious and solitary forms have a different appearance.


For a visual assessment of what the locust looks like, the photo below:

Locust and grasshopper: differences

Let's find out the difference between a locust and a grasshopper:

  • grasshoppers have longer whiskers than locusts, strongly rise above the head;
  • grasshopper nature rewarded with longer limbs, massive hind legs - it is better adapted to jumping.

Despite the resemblance, these two insects belong to different orders.- grasshopper and locust. The former are representatives of the long-whiskered suborder, the locust belongs to the short-whiskered ones.

There are also differences in the way of life of a grasshopper and a locust:

  • short-whiskered herbivores, and representatives of grasshoppers are predators;
  • locusts are diurnal, raiding crops in broad daylight, long-legged jumpers are considered nocturnal insects;
  • grasshoppers lay their eggs on the ground parts of plants, and locust pests into the soil.


A locust infestation can destroy daily from 3 tons of wild and cultivated plants, not shunning a blade of grass. It is considered the most malicious. Every 10 years of life, insect populations are accompanied by peaks, during which an uncountable flock eats up to 20 tons of vegetation under the root.

What plants are affected?

In food, the pest is unpretentious, it eats the ground parts of vegetable plants, cereals, gourds, attacks orchards, berries, wild trees, not disdaining reed plants.

serve as food leaves, stems, shoots, even the bark of young trees.

You can learn more about the taste preferences of a merciless insect in the section dedicated to it.

Interesting! The older the insect becomes, the more diverse the food it eats becomes. Hardened individuals are practically omnivorous.

Who will help?

The main defenders of human crops from the voracious flyer - birds. Who eats locusts: herons, sparrows, starlings, storks, gulls, crows. A pest that has lost its agility can become a victim of small rodents.


The name of the giant locust itself indicates that these insects have a record large size - up to 20 cm. The pest lives in the hot climate of South America.

Found everywhere in Russia green locust, resembling a grasshopper - an assistant to farmers and gardeners.

Inconspicuous omnivorous Moroccan pest inspires great danger ability to quickly adapt to insecticides and cause great economic damage.

Capable of migrating in search of a suitable breeding climate, the Desert Locust is known for the amount of greens consumed by an individual is equal to its weight.


Good for food both soft and hard foods, which is under the force of the powerful jaws of an insect.

It, due to the structure of its oral apparatus, cannot feed on nectar or suck out the juices of plants: the insect is forced to gnaw everything edible that comes in its way.


Mating of pests in a favorable climate can be carried out 5 to 12 times a year.

After mating games and fertilization, the female lays eggs in the soil, of which, after 2 weeks, larvae will appear - reduced copies of adult insects.

In the section about, you can see photos of eggs and insect larvae.

Land protection

Surprisingly, locusts cause great damage to humans today. In the article dedicated to the pest, you can read about how to stop the attacks of its various types.

So, we have described a dangerous agricultural pest - locust, the photos of which you can see above.

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