Beet tops recipes for the winter. Pickled beet tops, an unusual preparation for the winter. The benefits of beetroot

Storage 18.07.2019

Beet tops - there are a variety of recipes for the winter, this article lists the most popular of them. It is generally accepted that only roots can be used in beets. And the “tops” most often face an unenviable fate - sending them to a compost heap. Or at best, a short service in the form of pet food. Meanwhile, beet tops are a delicious vitamin delicacy.

Beets - a substitute for low-calorie potatoes

Don't forget to cook delicious beets. The turnip is a very old plant variety that is often misunderstood. Round, white and purple winter vegetables are nutrient-dense and extremely versatile. Beets have a very mild flavor and may also taste the vegetables they were cooked with. This gives the beetle plenty of room to experiment with cooks.

The winter vegetables are probably a mixture of kohlrabi and turnips, and due to their high water content, they are very low in calories. Mashed potatoes, cakes, soup, brisket, jam, or a pure boil - a multiple stub can do something. Keep cooking. Chop the parsley, add the remaining oil. Season with salt, pepper, soy sauce and mustard. Sprinkle with parsley, serve and finish.

  • Peel the beets and potatoes and cut them into cubes.
  • Onion cubes and fry them in oil.
  • Add the beets, potatoes and broth and let sit for 20 minutes.
  • Cut the leek into rings, add and leave for 10 minutes.
Under the black bowl in winter, vegetables are fine, white and tasty meat.

Beet tops harvesting for the winter is an incredibly useful thing that will help out more than once on cold, icy days. Very tasty from such a preparation prepare a salad by adding onion and seasoning with oil. It is good to add a few leaves to the soup, to the stew. Harvesting beet tops for the winter for borscht and beetroot will do just fine.

Tuber cage - a miracle Winter vegetables

The nitrate content provides the dark color of the black root. Like asparagus, the dark root is very good as an accompaniment to fish and meat. You can also fry, sauté, bake, or use as a soup in winter vegetables. The hillock is not only delicious, but also a real miracle in terms of health. Round strawberries contain many ingredients that help with many diseases. Thus, the substance contained in celery apigenin should be used for rheumatoid pain and autoimmune diseases.

You can roll both leaves and stems into jars.

  • Leaves of young beets;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 50 ml of vinegar;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • chili pepper to taste;
  • 3 sprigs of dill.

The process of preparing beet leaves

At the bottom of prepared jars we put garlic, dill sprigs, pepper. Put the sliced ​​beet leaves on top. Tamp tightly. Add salt with vinegar and pour boiling water. We sterilize the jar for 10 minutes and roll it up.

Large, gnarled root under a green and thick shell over spicy flesh. Root vegetables owe their powerful taste to their essential oils. Tubular cell lines are available in many different shapes, round, flat, oval or conical. As varied as the tubers, the preparation is so varied. The strawberry cage should not be boiled for too long or it will disintegrate. Winter vegetables are especially popular as an accompaniment or base for soups, soufflés and terrines.

Salmon Celery Soup Recipe

Salmon fillet finely diced and season with salt, pepper and lemon juice. Puree soup and try everything with horseradish, sugar and lemon juice. Place the salmon cubes in the soup and heat everything up. Garnish, serve and cook with onions.

  • Peel and cut celery and potatoes.
  • Also diced onions.
  • Braised celery, potatoes and onions in butter.
  • Season with salt and pepper.
  • Remove everything with milk and let the mass cover for more than 25 minutes. boiling.
Also in winter, delicious winter salads contribute to a healthy and vitamin-rich diet.

These are the spicy beet leaves. I tried different recipes for the winter of such leaves, but this one is the simplest.

Beet tops harvesting for the winter (stems)

Ingredients (per 0.7 liter can):

  • Stems of young beets;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of salt (without a slide);
  • 50 ml of vinegar;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • black peppercorns;
  • dill.

The process of preparing a workpiece from stems

We cut off the leaves of the beet tops, and cut the stems with a knife into pieces of the same size. At the bottom of the jars we lay out our bouquet of spices, then the stems. Pour in boiling water for 5 minutes. It is not necessary to keep the stems in boiling water longer, otherwise they will become soft. And the beauty of this dish is in the crunchiness!

Many salads can be bought throughout the winter. Discover recipes with field lettuce, radicchio and chicory. Winter salads are rich in vitamins, minerals and ballasts. Combine iron-rich field lettuce with vitamin-rich citrus fruits. Thus, your body is optimally suited to the winter salad vegetable gland.

Winter salad with beetroot, celery and quinoa flavor also tastes delicious. Beets, celery and carrots are not only suitable as a salad, but also as a drink! Recipes for such delicious winter beetroot drinks are plentiful. And for a winter salad with beets and root vegetables, such a vitamin bean definitely tastes good. Try our chicory, field lettuce and celery recipes!

Thanks to these recipes for the winter, beet tops will take root on your dinner table for a long time.

We hope that beet tops will often appear on your table - recipes for the winter will help you with this.

For this preparation, prepare:

Apple Recipe Salad

Cut the chicory into strips and add the celery, onions, nuts, cheese, pears and vinaigrette. Cut the camembert into 16 corners and line it with field lettuce and apple vinaigrette.

  • Pour the pears over the wine and let them simmer for about 2 minutes.
  • Then take the wine out of the oven and let the pears cool.
  • Peel the celery and halve the stalks along thin strips.
  • Chop the walnuts and chop the cheese.
  • Stir mustard, vinegar, maple syrup, salt, pepper and oil.
  • Stir in rapeseed oil and add finely chopped onions.
  • Square an apple and cut it into thin slices and then into small cubes.
  • Add apple cubes to vinaigrette.
Winter vegetables provide you with all kinds of nutrients due to the cold season.

Clean tops - 350 g

Cherry, currant leaves - 1 pc.

Dill inflorescence - 1 pc.

Garlic - 2 cloves

For a fragrant marinade, take:

Fruit vinegar, sugar - ¼ cup

Salt - 1 tbsp. l. (with a small slide)

Bay leaf - 1 pc.

Water - 0.5 liters

Peppercorns - 3 pcs.

Now you need to wash and lightly dry the tops. Wash and sterilize jars. Cut the tops in such a way that its length corresponds to the height of your jar (we cut off the leaves). After laying all the fragrant seasoning at the bottom of the jar, do not forget to pre-cut the garlic in layers.

The benefits of beetroot

Don't buy vegetables from the supermarket but create your own, there are some things to consider when storing. Release, freeze or maybe? We'll show you how it's done! Winter vegetables are often kept cool and moist. It is best to use the basement for storing cabbages and root vegetables. If you don't have a basement, this is not a problem. Wrap fresh and undamaged winter vegetables in moistened newsprint. Remember to look for mold diseases every week.

Freezing beet tops

You should never store cabbage with fruits and tomatoes. The separated gases of fruits and tomatoes ripen cabbage leaves much faster and spoil them. The same problem occurs in the refrigerator. Always keep your cabbage away from fruit and never in the refrigerator.

In the meantime, you should prepare the marinade, for this, take a saucepan. Pour in water and add everything that is intended for the marinade. Bring to a boil and pour marinade into jars.

Cover jars with tops with lids and sterilize for 15 minutes, after which they can be safely closed. Once the jars have cooled completely, they can be put away in their appropriate storage area.

Pink cabbage, green cabbage, and artichoke from Jerusalem are best tasted fresh from the plant and frosted from icy winter temperatures. Frost develops a sweetish note. So leave these winter vegetables easy to eat in the garden. To save, almost all winter vegetables are suitable. Observe the impeccable condition of vegetables before boiling and clean and airtight glasses. Check glasses regularly for perishables. White cabbage is not boiled, but inserted. This preservation method is used to prepare sauerkraut from white cabbage.

If you plan to harvest tops in more in large numbers, then increase the proportion of ingredients to the required volume. Pickled beets are very tasty and juicy. After preparing dishes from this "delicacy", you will definitely prepare such an extravagant seaming every year.

Pickled tops with herbs

You can cook pickled beet tops in another way. This recipe will include a lot of herbs and onions. The tops are very tasty, and are ideal for cooking borscht.

How to freeze beets

Winter vegetables can also be easily frozen. To freeze, simply crush vegetables and place in freezer bags. This save method saves time. Sprinkle cabbage before freezing. However, root vegetables and turnips can be easily frozen without blanching.

Cultivate beets

Cultivation of beetroot is relatively easy, it is undemanding and actually easy to pull. Red beets are one of the medium varieties and don't need full sun, half shade is enough for them. All five to ten centimeters per two grains are placed in the ground, and then only the strongest leave. If young plants were preferable to plants, then it would be necessary to spend a wet day when there is no radiant sun. Basically you can sow red beets, but fine.

For cooking, you should take the following components:

Dill and parsley

Garlic and turnip

beet tops

For every 3 parts of the tops, you should take 1 part of seasonings.

For the marinade you need:

Vinegar 9% - 100 ml

Lavrushka, cloves - 1 pc.

Water - 1 liter

Salt - 25 g

Peppercorns - to taste

Red beets are not too dry. It works well, who would have thought to mulch regularly. Costola is suitable for red beets, for example. Very good. If you sow red beets a little later, so in May-June, then the fruits are a little more tender than usual. In areas where winters are not very frosty, you can just leave red beetles just like parsnips and black roots with a thick layer of mulch in the bed. But if you know that there is a stronger frost, then you should carefully reap the tender green tea and store it in the sand.

It should have a lot of potassium, calcium and magnesium, as well as sodium, and, above all, it should have a lot of iron. Interestingly, red beets also have blood pressure-lowering effects. As we read, this is due to nitrate, which turns into nitrite and thus dilates blood vessels. In addition, it also has a positive effect on blood clotting.

Sugar - 25 g

The tops need to be washed and cut according to your desire, put in a saucepan. Then add chopped garlic, green onions in half rings. Place the tops with greens tightly in clean jars.

To prepare the marinade, add all the ingredients to the water, bring to a boil and you can pour the tops. Let stand for a few minutes, after which the marinade must be drained and boiled again, then poured again and only after that you can roll it up with sterilized lids.

Preparation of inspiration for beets

Red balls are rich in minerals and vitamin, they also like to come with a cocktail along with strawberries and bananas. You can freeze strawberries and have them anytime. How about red beetroot soup, borscht or beetroot carpaccio? There are also great recipes for beetroot cakes, even low-fat ones if you like.

Red beet chutney would be interesting, or whatever is great for beetroot, it colors super. So how about rice, noodles, or gnocchi rosarote? The combination of field lettuce, figs and beets is also inspiring. Beets are not only very tasty, but also very durable. However, if you want to prepare it later, you can freeze it.

Store such seamings should be in a cool place to exclude the possibility of fermentation.

Pickled beet tops are used to prepare all kinds of borscht, cabbage soup, cold soups. It can also be used in salads or appetizers.

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